10 minute workout
When all you want to do is 10 minutes, do it! When I was living in Taiwan, it rained a lot. Sometimes the rain never stopped, and though jumping in puddles is always fun, we didn't feel like it all the time. There weren't any gyms around either. So, we had to come up with a plan b on getting in some exercise or getting those heebie-jeebies out of our bones. My daughter and I came up with a fabulous idea. We spent 10 minutes going through a circuit training or obstacle course. Honestly, I was the one who did the obstacle course, while my 3 year old daughter jumped all over me during the process. Here's what I did:
60 jumping jacks
15-30 push ups (partly on my knees)
60 bicycles on my back
100 squats
15-30 dips (on a chair)
15-30 step ups
100 jump ropes (if you don't have a jump rope, just pretend)
I would do 2-3 sets of these and a little meditation or deep breathing. Sometimes I would leave something out or add something in for variety (frog jumps or superman back stretches for example). Lately, we've also been adding the balance board for more core-strengthening and improving our balance. Whatever the case, this mini workout is great for the heart and for relieving stress. My daughter enjoyed creating her own little circuit simultaneously. It's a great way to start or end the day.