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    News — yoga poses

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    Yoga for Shoulder Pain

    Do you ever wake up with shoulder pain?  Or perhaps after playing a sport, your shoulder is killing you?  Instead of heading to the medicine cabinet, try some yoga moves.  If anything, these yoga poses will help strengthen your shoulders, which can help in the prevention of further shoulder and or neck pain. These yoga poses will also build your muscle endurance for special sports such as rowing, archery, horseback riding, and gymnastics. 

    To start with, try Sun Salutations 3-4 times to get the body going.  This will be your warm up.  Remember to move slowly through the poses, so that you really get a good stretch and warm up your muscles. 

    Warrior I, II, and III

    When working through the warrior poses, focus your energy on keeping your head up high and arms straight.  Open up your chest like a strong warrior, protecting the Earth.  Inhale and exhale a few times with each move, so that you get the most out of this series.

    Crab/Table Pose and Lounge Chair Pose

    Crab/Table pose is great for opening up your chest and strengthening your arms.  We like to kick our feet up a few times while in this pose and then after we're pretty tired, we rest in lounge chair pose, which opens up our back and shoulders.  This pose also helps your wrists relax after being in crab/table pose. 

    Criss-cross Pose

    While lying down on your belly, criss-cross your arms in front of you.  Your arms should be out to your sides at a 90 degree angle from your body, so that your back is open and prone.  Take some deep belly breaths, counting to 5 for each exhale.

    Bow Pose

    Lie down on your belly. Reach your arms and hands behind you and grab your ankles. Gently pull your feet towards your head.  Lift your chest and legs off the floor and breath deeply.  Remember to do a counter stretch such as mouse/child pose afterwards.

    Remember to always listen to your body and instincts. If your shoulder pain persists and you feel like you may have a serious injury, talk to your doctor.





    Feel the Burn

    There are some yoga poses or workouts that you just know are working, because you can feel the heat that your body is emitting.  It's not enough to start a fire, but it's enough to warm you up and give your body a boost of energy and adrenaline.  They may even increase your metabolism. Sometimes people just want to know that work is being done when they are doing yoga.  They want to feel the heat!  So, here are a few poses to get your inner heater turned on and maybe even break a sweat (and if you don't, no worries...you are still getting a good stretch and strengthening your muscles).  Alrighty, here it goes!

    Plank Pose-Why not start with this one in the morning. Wake those lazy bones up.  You won't be moving much...just a plank....and breath.

    Boat Pose-Turn over and sit down with your legs bent and straight out in front of you. Your feet should be flat on the floor with knees bent.  Hands can be to the side or behind you.  Then, lift your feet off the ground and pretend to row with your hands.  Feel the burn in your belly...and don't forget to breathe.  Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. 

    Superman/Super Girl Pose-This pose is also called Locust Pose.  Lie on your belly and keep your legs and arms straight.  Arms can be straight out in front of you or by your side.  Then, lift your legs (keeping them strong and straight), and arms, as well as your chest, shoulders, neck, and head.  This is a good counter stretch after boat pose.

    Bow Pose-While still in Superman pose, reach around and grab your lifted feet and bend them towards your head.  This will really stretch your belly.

    Mouse pose-Take a break in mouse pose to feel  your breath in your belly.  Inhale slowly, exhale slowly. Relax.

    Warrior I, II, III-Do these poses in sequence, spending time in each pose.  Take 5 deep breaths before moving into the next pose.  Also, don't forget to do the sequence with the opposite foot forward.  We always want to balance out our bodies.

    Twisted Chair Pose-Sitting in a real chair doesn't do much, but PRETENDING to sit in a chair will get your heart beat going and boost your metabolism.  Press your palms together (in a prayer position) and twist your body to the left......breath......go back to center and twist to the right.  Don't forget to breath. 

    Eagle Pose-This pose will get your body energized and you will probably feel the heat lifting off your head. 

    I always like to throw in a few jumping jacks or frog jumps either before or after, to get my heart pumping lots and lots of oxygen to my body.  I feel awake and alive.  This is a good replacement for coffee.