Surf Training using a Milkshakeboard balance board
Have you tried surfing before? Do you want to prepare your body for that day of catching waves and feeling your board harmonizing with the energy of the ocean? You should know that the surfing is not only balance and timing, but it involves a tremendous amount of paddling. Experienced surfers agree that they spend more time paddling than riding waves. Beginners will find that they spend even more of their time paddling.

Your first day of surfing, you will realize your arms will become limp noodles and your rib cage will hurt from lying on a hard board all day. Your neck will ache, your shoulders will sore, and your arms have given out. So prepare for surfing by training beforehand. You don't have to go to the ocean, you don't have to go to the gym, you can train at home on your Milkshake Board.
Exercise 1: Paddle-paddle-paddle
This exercise increases the endurance and strength of the muscles used in paddling. The rockers of the board encourages stability in the core musculature to maintain balance.
Lie prone on the board and start paddling your arms, just gently scraping the ground like you were swimming in 4" of water. Do this for 1 minute and gradually increase to 5 minutes.
To increase the power of your paddling stroke make sure you arch your chest up and use your back muscles instead of your arms. Your lower back will strengthen over time to enable it to maintain your upper body arched up.
Exercise 2: Back extensions
This exercise will help develop your muscles in your back and neck and build up the area of your rib cage as you press your chest into the board.
Lie prone on the board and raise up your chest and legs. Hold for counts of 15 seconds and relax. Repeat 20 times.
Exercise 3: Push-up and pop
You've found your wave, you are paddling fast to get ready to ride your wave. Now you have to push up and pop into a low balance position on your board and ride that wave in. This exercise will not only help build those muscles used for pushing up, but it will create the muscle memory of popping into a balanced position, low on the board.
Lie prone on the board, place your hands near your chest gripping the sides of the board, tuck your toes under and do a push-up. Practice doing push-ups on your board keeping your core engaged.
For popping, you will continue to grip the sides of the board but as you are doing a push-up, you will pop your feet in a low balanced position and you will release the board with your hands and use them for balance out by your side.
Here is another look at the complete paddling to poping up sequence: